The reclaimed wood we use has a story to tell each piece of Raised In A Barn Furniture is one of a kind!
In order to craft the unique furniture you see on our website, we source reclaimed wood from old barns, buildings, homes. Each piece of reclaimed wood is recycled and used again. Our craftsman carefully remove all the nails, screws and can leave the wood natural or refurbish to desired stain. This whole process is done in Colorado and proudly American made.
Each piece of wood is unique and much time is put into it in order to develop its character. We also donate to local charities rebuilding the lives of individuals re-entering the community after incarceration.

Tower 21 is a faith-based nonprofit
501(c)3 which serves as a community partner with Raised in a Barn for improved community relations.

Waypoints Faith Community
The LCCL is able to fund community partners for the Work and Gain Education and Employment Skills (WAGEES), a new community re-entry program.
Services include help in finding employment, finding housing, assistance with achieving a GED or industry recognized credentials and increasing the rate at which participants enter post secondary education and training. There also programs to increase prosocial skills and build self-esteem. To find out more about Tower21, go to there website;

Raised In A Barn gives back to the community through providing on the job training as well as many soft skills which the participants need to advance their careers.
In addition, a portion of all sales proceeds go towards operational costs of the program and towards participants who are completing the re-entry rehabilitation process.
Individuals supported through this program get a second chance to impact their family and community for future generations just like the furniture they build from old Colorado barns which cannot be destroyed and will be in your family for generations to come!
Thank you for partnering with us in our mission to help re-build individuals lives as well as a stronger, better community!
If order is not shipped then it can be received at our location by scheduling a pickup time. We are located at 328 16th St Greeley, CO 80631