Barnwood Furniture

Barnwood Table

Rich, smooth, supple, and unique.  These are all excellent descriptions of barnwood furniture.  If you long for barnwood furniture that whispers of sweet southern willows and endless summer skies, the Raised in a Barn is here to show you a beautiful barnwood table for your own home.

Here is this bustling twenty-first century, it’s difficult to think back to a simpler time surrounded by screaming metal machines, roaring traffic, and constant build-up of pop-up houses over our once sprawling farmlands, sometimes it’s important to have a pleasant little reminder of simpler country times.  Add a barnwood table to that collection of cold modern furniture- doing so will add some fresh country goodness to both your life, and your home.

There’s nothing like bringing a piece of the outdoors in, especially when that piece is rich in America’s history like a barnwood table.  You don’t need a stark white inhospitable dinner table freezing out the friendliness of your entire kitchen set up!  It’s time to revisit the old charm of southern hospitality with every breakfast, lunch, and dinner at your comforting story-ridden barnwood table.

It’s easy to imagine the difference- a silent dinner at a modern chrome table.  There’s no history, no life, just a cold, hard slab of metal reflecting back at you and your family.  But then, there is the idea of a cozy barnwood table.  Surrounded by your friends and family, telling stories as rich and soulful as those that are ingrained within your picturesque new barnwood table.  The lines and grooves deep within the wood, unique and personal.

It’s blissful to imagine a pleasant Thanksgiving dinner sprawled out over an autumn decorated table, Turkey cooked to perfection, and each side their own quaint bowl.  Not only is this image beautiful, but it is a picture that will last for many years to come, throughout generations.  If you add a ravishing barnwood table to your home, you will have a piece to last through many holidays, a piece your children can grow up with and cherish as a childhood memory.  Our barnwood furniture is built to last, unlike so many of the “fast fashion” furniture stores, where oftentimes you will purchase a piece and it falls apart within the year.  That’s the truth for so many modern furniture pieces- but not barnwood.  The rustic barns used to craft this fine furniture is often originally created with fresh and strongly rooted forest trees.  Combined with our noteworthy craftsmanship, those strong trees transform into a long-lasting barnwood table to stick around for years to come.

A barnwood table has a key element that sets it apart from every other piece of furniture on the market (of course aside from its unsurpassable whimsy and charm). It has the richest varying colors of any table wood on the market, depending on which barn it was pulled from.  There are darker, richer, more aged tables great for a kitchen set, as the color is fantastic for something that sees more wear, such as through a hearty daily meal.  Also commonly found are light, warm browns reminiscent of a sunflower field glowing at dusk in a Denver summer, perfect for a barnwood table to place in your living room.

Your furniture should have roots as deep as your own- choose a barnwood table.

Barnwood Table


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