Barnwood Furniture

Beetle Kill Furniture

Even though beetle kill furniture sounds inhumane, it’s actually very different than it sounds. In Colorado the number of dying forest was alarming. Beetles were eating the inside of the trees, and killing them. The rate of infestation was so great that there wasn’t where to put the dead trees. Woodworkers began to notice the beautiful pattern left in the wood from the beetles, and using their creativity, had the canny idea to use the reclaimed wood, to make beetle kill furniture.


Increasing the use of beetle kill wood furniture can help save the forest. Since these trees are already dead, when their cut down it doesn’t hurt the environment and helps maintain the ecosystem in balance. Which lowers pollution and deforestation dramatically! Hence becoming a double bonus, you get a beautiful pattern on the wood and help the environment by choosing to use reclaimed beetle kill furniture. The pines that would be burned, and cause the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.

How it’s Made

Now, how do the beetles create that beautiful and distinctive blue pattern on the wood? It’s actually an incredibly simple process. The beetles are not actually directly responsible for the blue tint on the wood. This comes from the symbiotic relationship between the Mountain Pine Beetle, and the appropriately named Blue Stain Fungus. The fungus uses the beetles as it’s method of travel, spreading on the mouth of the beetle from Pine to Pine; the beetles require the fungus to stop the Pine from producing a resin, that would otherwise kill the beetle and stop them from reproducing.


So the beetles then use the tree to reproduce, the females lay their eggs into the tree, which attracts more beetles to come to the tree, staging a full-blown attack on the tree. They bore into the past the bark and into the Phloem layer of the tree, on which they feed on, hence killing the tree. Without the symbiotic relationship between the two, the beetle wouldn’t be able to reproduce and would become extinct.

Beetle Kill Furniture

Raised in a barn furniture, specializes in beetle kill furniture. Selecting only the most beautiful patterns, we have curated an incredible collection of beds, dressers, table, and night stands. All made with eco-friendly reclaimed beetle kill wood. All of the furniture made by Raised in a Barn, is handcrafted by a craftsman. There is no mass production, with robots. Each piece is given special attention, and is completely unique!  If you need custom beetle kill furniture, we can make anything you dream of! Our skilled craftsmen love to create the perfect piece to match your needs! Call us today, and get started on your new custom design, or choose from pre-selected designs on our website!

Beetle Kill Furniture


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